The application process is through the Fluxx portal system (see previous page for link to application process) and all the instructions as to how to complete and upload documents are there. You will need to upload into Fluxx:
– General information
– An academic resume/CV (no more than two pages)
– A two-paragraph abstract, followed by a clear, concise summary (no more than ten pages double spaced) of your dissertation topic, including the dissertation’s title and a list of works cited within the summary. Include an explanation as to the significance of your research and how it will contribute to the overall field of Holocaust Studies
– The Fluxx portal will provide a way for you to request two letters of recommendation and recommendation questionnaires from two references, respectively. One reference must be from an academic advisor in Holocaust studies (or related field) who has worked closely with the applicant, and one reference should be from an academic source who is familiar with the applicant’s work.
Optional: a web link or electronic, downloaded video file, not more than 6 MB exhibiting the candidates delivering a concise description of his/her research topic. Only the first 90 seconds of the video will be viewed. Large, time-sensitive files are not accepted.
If you have questions or concerns while submitting your application, please contact Dr. Joanna Sliwa at
Awards are usually announced in early April.