Kamil Kijek

Kamil Kijek,  Ph.D., graduated from the University of Wroclaw, with a degree in Sociology and Jewish Studies.  

He has been a Prins Foundation postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Jewish History in New York and Sosland Family Fellow at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington DC. During his doctoral studies he held various fellowships in Israel, Germany and United Kingdom.

A few of Kamil Kijek’s publications include “Dzieci modernizmu. Świadomość i socjalizacja polityczna młodzieży żydowskiej w Polsce międzywojennej” [Children of modernism. Socialization and Political Conciousness of the Jewish Youth in Interwar Poland], Wrocław 2017; “Was It Possible to avoid ‘Hebrew Assimilation’? Hebraism, Polonization, and the Zionist “Tarbut” School System in the Last Decade of Interwar Poland”, “Jewish Social Studies”, vol. 21.2, 2016, p. 105-141  and „Ha radicalism ha politi shel ha noar ha yehudi be shtetl polani bein milhamot ha olam”  (Political Radicalism of the Shtetl Youth in Poland between Two World Wars) in Yalkut Moreshet vol.92-93, April 2013, p. 20-59.  He has edited (with Grzegorz Krzywiec) special issue of “Kwartalnik Historii Żydów”, vol. 28 (258), 2016, devoted to the problems of anti-Semitism in Poland in the years 1905-1939 and collected articles volume (with Konrad Zieliński) „Przemoc antyżydowska i konteksty akcji pogromowych na ziemiach polskich w XX wieku [Anti-Jewish Violence and Contexts of Pogroms on Polish Lands in the XX century”, Lublin 2017

His research interest includes 20th century Central-East European Jewish History and Holocaust Studies.